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Vintage Oil bottle Set Released!

December 24, 2020

Author: Admin

Modlistic have released their newest product! the Vintage Oil Bottle Set!

his has by far been the most customisable product released to date and we are extremely proud of it.

This product will allow you to select the bottle stand colour, lid colour, bottle colour and even what decals you would like across all four of them!

We would love to hear some feedback on them, or even see photos of them within your collection!

The bottles have gone through multiple redesigns to ensure that we were happy with it, as well as making sure the bottles were durable enough to be modified without breaking. Our first design had the bottles being quite a lot larger alongside having a threaded top which allowed the tops to be screwed on. 

Unfortunately this design came with some structural issues that forced us to redesign into iteration two. This new design came with smaller bottles that have a much narrower top allowing the lids to be slid on instead of threaded on. This increased the structural integrity of the models significantly as well as making them look cleaner overall.

After this design was created we then moved towards adding decals onto them. This forced us to primarily print in white as the decals don’t show too well on other colours, but over all we think they look great!

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December 24, 2020
Vintage Oil bottle Set Released!

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